game cool

                                  -Gub 2022

thiios is gub retopld so basically this is a fnaf fan game lol

fnaf fang game

whoa a game about a funny guy

no, you're not rescuing the funny guy he attacks you in fnaf style

here's the plot: you're a guy working in the middle of nowhere (lmao) while this german guy named gub and his guys (and women) hunt you down

they seem to be afraid of the morning, are they frickin' vampires?

yes this is the 1289182749712791375193th fnaf fan game

help which key do i press to make gub leave!!!!:

press z for light dummy (no offense)

its gubin time

it also exists in scratch

and also in gamejolt


umm its gubnby time yeah its gubbnymn time haha yes funny to fill the description

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